February 1, 2010

totally uninteresting post

about comments. I have confusion. I have not set anything to need to be moderated, but I stumbled upon the fact that I had four random comments that needed to be moderated before they were published. Usually, comments just appear, but these four for some reason needed my approval. Not sure why...

Also, I have a friend who can't leave comments on my blog. I don't know why not, or what happens when she tries, so I'm really thinking there's something I'm missing here.

Any blogspot owners who know more than I do and can shed some light on this, your comments (ha! possibly counterproductive) would be appreciated. :)

Jenny ;)


Angi said...

I'm going to try again, because I'm persistent...and stuff...

Angi said...

It worked! Shazam!

Jenny said...

See... You ask the universe and the universe provides. Or is that The Dude? Wait, no, he ABIDES. Right right...

Gale said...

Hi! Sound like you figured it out, but in case it happens again, it could be that you have it set to moderate comments on posts that are over so many days old. That would explain why some posts posted right away and others didn't.